Chinoiserie - The Enduring Allure of the Far East
Leo Wong Ceramics Exhibition 綺麗浮華: 法式中國風
為慶祝法國五月藝術節三十周年 ,香港陶瓷藝術家 Leo Wong 舉辦視覺藝術展覽「綺麗浮華:法式中國風」,探索遠東千年工藝對歐洲藝術和現代設計的深遠影響。通過陶瓷 -- 中國引以為傲的藝術發明,展示中法兩股東西美學的交織和致敬這段輝煌的歷史。
展覽分為三個單元 : 序幕單元「浮華蜃境」- 將展覽廳化身為十八世紀充滿異國情調的法國莊園,帶領觀眾穿越古今,聆聽中國風席捲歐洲建築裝潢及園林設計的精彩故事。栩栩如生的陶瓷花雕塑將裝置在鬱郁蔥蔥的法式花園,展開一場亦真亦幻的視覺盛宴。第二單元「白瓷之旅」- 透過玲瓏透亮、輕盈細膩的瓷花壁畫 ,將白瓷薄胎的美感層次與工藝挑戰推向極致。藉此帶領大眾想像與發現東方傳統工藝的哲學與美學,一同探索白瓷藝術的奇幻意境。最後單元「綺麗青花」- 白地藍花是中國最具民族性的瓷器標誌,千年以來幽藍神釆令人神往。誠邀大家前來以嶄新視角探索青花之美,及其如何化身為西方時尚的視覺符碼。
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of French May Arts Festival, Hong Kong ceramicist Leo Wong presents a visual art exhibition “Chinoiserie: The Enduring Allure of the Far East”, exploring the profound influence and intertwinement of oriental art and craftsmanship on European art history and modern design. The exhibition is divided into three concepts:
"Mirage of Far East" : Time-travel to the 18th century French manor via the immersive art installation in the exhibition, leading the fantasy stories how Chinoiserie influenced European.
“Pilgrimage of Porcelain“ : The secret of porcelain formula had been closely guarded in the East for many hundred of years. The exhibition will discover the oriental aesthetic and craftsmanship of porcelain and how it caused a sensation in Europe.
"Fifty Shades of Blue“ : Blue-and-White porcelain is the most iconic symbol of Chinaware, the cerulean color has revered and admired in the globe for centuries. The exhibition will explore how B&W porcelain become the mark of distinguished style and timeless elegance, from luxury fashion to interior design.
Date: 6 - 10th July 2023 (10am - 9pm Daily)
Venue: 香港視覺藝術中心 Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre (半山堅尼地道7號 / No. 7 Kennedy Road, Mid-levels)
以下時段將舉辦私人活動,恕不對外開放。敬請留意。6 July (6-8pm) 及 8 July (3-5pm)
為達致最佳參觀體驗, 建議預先登記導賞活動或工作坊。按此預約參觀時間